Dolly Goolsby


Dolly Goolsby

Dolly Goolsby

History, General Nonfiction, Cooking

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  • Member Since

    Jun 2022

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    15 February

  • Profession

    Retired Registered Nurse, Writer


I love to travel, then I write about places I have seen on my travels. My books talk about places, people I meet. I write about food: in restaurants or cooking in small apartments or on a boat. I relate incidents on the travels, sometimes funny or unexpected. I convey the sense of where I am, so the reader feels they are traveling with me. When not traveling, I write about travel or talk about travel. I have a travel blog site, I help people plan trips. I always try to be a considerate guest in countries or areas I visit. I want to meet the people of the area, learn the customs, and my books convey this philosophy.

Dolly Goolsby Books

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